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Support Widows 2024 Christmas Program
Real Impactful Life Stories

We are expanding our homeless people’s feeding and assistance operations in Nashville to include mobile kitchen and collaboration with more caterers and vendors.

Join us in making a difference—partner with us to support our mission of feeding the homeless in Nashville and bringing hope to those in need.

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Hotline: (615) 830-5591

A joyful and rewarding activity

All in one and startup solutions. Vocational training backed with financial support gets the young widows going.

Elementary school renovation project in 2025

We believe that the quality of a childs environment speaks to the person he/she becomes

Your support will help us create a new, healthy and appropriate learning environment for students at Central Elementary School Umunya, Anambra State Nigeria

Scholarship Program

BFI provides scholarships for  orphans mostly in high school in Umunya, Oyi LGA Anambra State, Nigeria

Orphans in insecure and violent environment such as the southeastern Nigeria where Umunya is located literally have no hope of a wholesome future. BFI assists such children to remain in school and build a future for themselves and the society

Because of negligence from appropriate authorities, BFI even provides support for school supplies and extramural classes.

In a few instances, BFI has gone above and beyond high school scholarships to support student to college level

Investing in Humanity

We restore and empower

Your support will go a long way in giving hope and succor to those who need the love of Christ in their lives. Help us touch those lives and change the world.

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Our focus and partnership potentials

As a partner in the vine yard, Bastion Foundation, Inc. has a lot of individual and institutional and we have touched over 5,000 lives since inception.

Partnership with volunteers is the foundation of our success story

Strong young families give hope for a strong future society

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BFI plans to give a fresh start to this 60-year old delapidated school still in use

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Our sponsors make our work easier with their material and financial support. We thank God for their kind-heartedness

We guarantee that all donations will be used to achie our objectives.

We also have experience in organizing and executing workshops to empower and support the demographic groups we serve

Giving hope and opportunity to orphans at Community High School, Umunya, Oyi LGA, Anambra State

We provide schooling opportunities mostly through high school and on a few occasions up to college. These include, tuition, school supplies and tutorial opportunities.

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Giving hope and opportunity to orphans at Girls High School Umunya, Oyi LGA Umunya

We provide schooling opportunities mostly through high school and on a few occasions up to college. These include, tuition, school supplies and tutorial opportunities.

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Food supply

We help young widows with food supply especially during Christian celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.

Insecurity in the Christian south eastern Nigeria has reached epic proportions and has claimed the lives of men leaving widows and orphans in the poor economic environment. BFI gives financial support to these women and provide vocational training to enable them start small businesses so they can be self reliant and stay out of shady unchristian life. BFI also provides follow-up monitoring.

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Feeding the homeless in Nashville is a cornerstone of BFI programs

According to Metro Nashville’s Homelessness Dashboard, 1,027 people were chronically homeless in March 2023 and 1,472 as of March 2024. FBI program is complementary to metro efforts

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BFI provides standard warm nutritious meals to between 250 and 300 homeless people in downtown Nashville every other weekend.

BFI will like to expand its operations with food truck and warmers to increase its augumentation of Metro Nashville’s Homelessness Dashboard operations.

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BFI is compassionate about the condition of Central School Umunya

Central School Umunya, an elementary school, has an enrollment of 423 students. The school was built in 1960 and has suffered gross negligence. It is an eyesore as well as a risky and unhealthy place for learning. BFI would like to help renovate the school and is looking for partners

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Insight and strategic vision for humanity …

We deploy human and material resources and depend so much on the goodwill of our sponsors and volunteers

Building Impactful Stories

Recently, Bastion Foundation, Inc. donated a set of school uniforms to students of Girls High School. Below is what the appreciative students said about the gifts.

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